Huge Surge in NG Tubes and Giving/Extension Sets Due to COVID-19 Pandemic to Witness Exceptional Growth in Global Enteral Feeding Devices Market and Leads to Surpass 100 Million Units by 2026
Industry Experts, Inc. unveiled the new market research " Enteral Feeding Devices – A Global Market Overview ". As per this global report, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global enteral feeding devices will vary from device to device and country to country. Demand for enteral feeding pumps, nasogastric tubes and giving/extension sets has increased robustly due to overwhelming ICU admissions of critically ill COVID-19 patients. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on global enteral feeding devices market is expected to differ in intensity depending on the device type. Sharpest declines would be expected in demand for PEG/J Kits, Low-Profile Devices and Gastrointestinal Tubes, due to cancelled or delayed elective procedures and delay in tube replacements. On the other hand, demand for Feeding Pumps, Nasointestinal Tubes and Giving/Extension Sets is forecast to witness robust gains during 2019-2020, due to the extra demand created from COVID-19 related ICU admissions. The Entera...